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Friday, January 28, 2005

Ethical Debate

Sharon Stone steals charity limelight at poverty debate

I am wrestling with this issue. I can't say exactly what it is, but maybe writing this will help me better understand my feelings on it.

In the article linked here, Sharon Stone seems to offer $10k to the poorest country in the world. Sounds like a hero, right? Well that's what my initial thought WASN'T. Read on...

You see, I have an issue with a wealthy American going abroad and pledging support to another country when she has not helped stamp out poverty, homelessness or hunger here. Those are the reasons she used to urge others to give in excess of $1M USD. I am sure that Ms. Stone has give tens of thousands of dollars here to help with these needs. But we aren't done.

Does this sound selfish? Or am I just a true countrymen? I agree in concept for giving to those in need because of sudden and uncontrollable events, such as the Tsunami. But to raise $1M for a country just because they are poor seems to be mis-targeted.

Any thoughts?


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