brain dust

The Absolute.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

What I didn't get for Christmas (but really wanted)

I'm a geek, he's a geek, wouldn't you like to be a geek too?

I've seen all these top 10 list and predictions from the smart .net peeps, so I decided to level my own:

  • Href EXE needs to support cross domain web services. This is just plain stupid to me. In the brave new world of SOA why can't this happen. A remark I saw on the topic stated that it was a security risk. Get over it. Provide it. Why would I want to be peg holed into having the web service I need on the same server as where the exe exists?
  • Easier Threading Implementation. Let's face it... Applications are getting smarter, faster and somewhat bigger. We need to be better at multithreading. But have you tried to implement it lately? It's a bear. It's not bad if you just want to spin off a process on to a new thread. But what if you want to notify your user of it's progress? Yuk.
  • A unified and easy to implement Network Security Definition. Active Directory rocks, when you do it right. A single simplified authentication and authorization system is great. I just wish it were the same across the net. I wish there were some mainstream definition of implementation that were standard so apps could talk to each other with lower cost of implementation.
  • A better hook into AD in the framework. Right now there is not a decent way to get info from Directory services. If you say there is, you're lying ;). The framework classes need to be abstracted even further so I don't waste my time trying to get it to work. I can get it to work, but it is ridiculously difficult.
  • Someone to understand what feature driven development is :). Someone to explain this to my manager :).
  • Web Services to truly, and easily, pass a binary version of an object in its natural state. I don't mean serialize it to XML before passing it. That's fine and dandy unless you want heavy loads hitting it.
  • Easier implementation of farmed Services. Farms shouldn't just be for farmers any more :).
  • Easier way to develop, test and deploy windows services. I am not saying that these are impossible to work with, and .net definitely made them much, much easier, but they are still a pain to develop. Make them easier. They are the back bone of the enterprise (or should be at least).

So, there you have it. Brian's list of gifts not given this year! Maybe next year, with the release of .net 2.0, will some of these actually happen.


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