brain dust

The Absolute.

Friday, January 07, 2005

RSS makes web more user friendly

Here's my thought today: By utilizing RSS Feeds and an RSS Reader, you can actually automate your web experience. If you are like me, there are literally hundreds of web sites you like to keep tabs on. More and more web sites are developing RSS Feeds of their own content making this a true paradigm shift in my web experience.

How many times do you go to a web site only to have to scan through the stuff you have read to determine if there is anything there of value to you, or any new items. An RSS Reader like SharpReader can actully automate that.

Its very easy to use. You simply have your reader open, and when you find a page that has an RSS Feed, you simply drag their icon or the URL to your reader. By clicking the subscribe button, the reader remembers the site and includes it on its content scans. Your reader will connect to the feed and populate your content list.

The cool thing about this is that SharpReader will keep track of articles that you have already read. It will runs in the background and updates its own list on a timed interval. It even notifies you when new articles have arrived.

And don't worry about the experience. In its current state RSS does not carry the payload of advertising with it (Although I heard that it will soon). You get a brief description of the article and a link to click if you want to view the entire page, in its own browser window of course.

Now I do not have to waste time parusing,, and other sites time after time to only realize that there are no new articles. My reader tells me when there are!


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