Idea Accepted
So I got over the first big hurdle yesterday. I had a 4 hour meeting that went until 7:30 last night with all the main system architects, including the CEO of the company.
So here's the concept:
There will be a main web application architecture that will host "applets". Each applet is nothing more than a page with four possible points of functionality and it's own assembly. Each assembly will derive from a super-class that the framework will provide. The Framework will also provide the security context, security roles, application management and basic Framework functionality.
Think of it this way: A user logs into a web application with a username, password and domain name (I'll explain that some other time). Once he is authenticated the Framework loads up his last application. In some cases a client will only have one application. In other cases clients may have multiple applications. An application is nothing more than a security context.
Each Application has it's own set of Roles. Each page and page functionality adheres to the roles for that application for that page for that functionality.
The Framework because nothing more than a delivery method. A way for use to have a group of developers create applications and not every have to worry about the security context for that client.
I am working on a database schema right now. As I go along and discover the gotchas, I'll report back here!