brain dust

The Absolute.

Monday, December 20, 2004

C# overloading collection class indexers

I often use a pattern where I inherit my class from the System.Collection class often. This gives me a container to store individual like objects. Here's a short example:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace InteleReport
public class Parameters : CollectionBase
public Parameters ()
HttpContext c = HttpContext.Current;
for(int i=0;i {
string[] key = Regex.Split(c.Request.QueryString.GetKey(i), "");
string val = c.Request.QueryString[i].ToString();
Parameter p = new Parameter(key[1], val);
public void Add(Parameter p)
public void Remove(Parameter p)
public Parameter this[int index]
get{return (Parameter)List[index];}
public class Parameter
string _Name;
string _Value;
public Parameter (string mName, string mValue)
Name = mName;
Value = mValue;
public string Name
get { return _Name;}
set { _Name = value; }
public string Value
get { return _Value;}
set { _Value = value; }


This gives me a class (Parameters) that I can now bind to a control. Please note that it does not support any sort at all. Sort is not a required implementation of the Collection class, and I don't use it enough to really deal with it here.

Notice that there is one public property called "this". Its construction is different than a normal property because it is an indexer. In the above state it only provides access to objects in the collection through the objects index, or location, in the collection. This is great if you always want to iterate through the collection to find items, or just bind the object to a control.

However, you can also overload the indexer to give it a somewhat more meaningful interface. The catch here is that by doing that you could loose the uniqueness of your object. In some instances that may be ok.

An overloaded indexer could look like this:

public Parameter this[string name]
Parameter p = null;//created as null because we don't want to return a new version if we don't find anything
foreach(Parameter pa in this)
p = pa;
return p;

You can have as many overloaded versions of the indexer as you want, but as with overloading in the framework, the signature has to be different based on the type.

The reason that in some cases you might loose your uniqueness is you might have the part of the object you are looking for appear more than once in the collection. In this case however, the keys will be unique so for me it's ok.

This allows you to build a collection and then get an item out of it without having to rewrite a loop through the collection each time (even though that's actually what it does on the back end):

Parameters params = new Parameters();
Parameter hascalled = params["hascalled"];
throw new Exception("she has not called yet!");

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Google Groups - Where did the functionality go?

Google Groups

What happened to the raw functionality that this web based news group browser once enjoyed? I know it wasn't pretty. I know that before you had to click several times to drill down into a message thread. I know that it handled http links poorly. I once used this tool relentlessly. I used it daily. I found solace in the fact that I could easily find postings that were relevant to what the heck I was looking for with great ease. That is no more.

I don't know what caused Google to change its methodology, but it is almost like the new Groups software is a more juvenile attempt at something that I considered a very robust execution of search technology. For example, there was a time when I would type in the phrase "dotnet reporting services drilldown report" and I would only get results that had something to do with a drilldown report in Microsoft's SQL Reporting Services framework. Try it now. I get results from such groups as and alt.comp.freeware. WHAT? WHY? I would assume that the search is now doing a blind, "let's find anything that matches these specific keywords" instead of sophisticatedly finding me relevant results.

Or am I just smoking crack here? Am I missing something? Before I would bet that I could find something on Google Groups in the matter of minutes. Now I am not so sure that I will find anything relevant soon, if at all.

Come on Google. I know you guys are smarter than this!


Objective Outlook ;)

Fredrik Normon's blog - NSQUARED2

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


How cool would it be if you could build your own .net based device? I have an idea for streaming in news to a device that sites behind your mirror. Not a monitor, but something like a display unit that streams news in from different media outlets. This could be the starter kit:


Friday, December 03, 2004


If you haven't seen this yet, you need to. Great insight into the company and its developers.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

MSN Messenger Beta 7.0!